Work 1:1 with Elizabeth

Is the feminine pathway to whole body health and healing calling to you? 

Without health, fertility, energy, strong digestion, regulated hormones and a clear vessel, you can’t possibly live out your full potential.

I am here to support you in resolving physical imbalances so that the goddess within you can rise. 

Empress and Oracle are my 1:1 holistic health offerings for women, designed to support physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

With a focus on menstrual cycle mapping, hormone health, metabolic repair, feminine embodiment and female nutrition, these offerings address common underlying causes of health issues such as gut health, liver stagnation, stored emotional pain/trauma, rejection of the feminine, nutrient deficiencies and more.

Through customized nutrition plans, supplementation, cycle syncing, nervous system balancing and mental/spiritual wellness practices, clients work with me to end the war with their body/themselves and learn how to intimately tend to their womanhood.

I’m here to offer something deeper…

My work is rooted in menstrual cycle mapping, hormone health and a connection to energy + Spirit. As a Holistic Nutritionist and Women's Health Practitioner, I am here to bridge physical healing (through food, herbs and supplementation), with the deeper emotional + spiritual alchemy. 

You are an emotional, spiritual and physical being, and therefor, in order for true healing to occur, you require care that meets you on all levels. 

In order for female physiology to truly thrive, it requires three things:

  • Adequate nourishment

  • Internal safety

  • A connection to pleasure and purpose

I am here to support you in cultivating all three.

There are two pathways you can choose from: 

Empress: 1:1 Women’s Health + Holistic Nutrition Consults

  • Focus = physical alchemy  

This is for you if you are wanting to focus primarily on physical alchemy and resolving symptoms. This is foundational and absolutely essential work. In order to fully embody your power, purpose & potential, a strong physical foundation is required.

Oracle: 6 Month 1:1 Deep Dive Mentorship 

  • Focus = emotional + spiritual alchemy, through the lens of feminine embodiment + menstrual cycle mapping 

When you’re ready to immerse a layer deeper, Oracle is the next step. This is for you if you if you’re ready to explore feminine based spirituality, through the body, to activate your Oracle.

To get started with either Empress or Oracle, please book a session. Please note, I often recommend some 1:1 Empress sessions to create strong physical foundations before you graduate to Oracle. If Oracle is speaking to you, we’ll assess whether this is the best initial step during your first session.

Reasons women work with me:

  • Hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, PCOS & adrenal fatigue

  • Chronic digestive issues: bloating, stomach pain, IBS, constipation, etc.

  • Heart burn or acid reflux

  • Painful or irregular periods

  • Infertility

  • Restoring health and vitality postpartum

  • Regaining balance after getting off of hormonal birth control

  • Transitioning off of birth control

  • Low energy, fatigue, burnout or chronic stress

  • Feeling disconnected from their feminine energy and in masculine overdrive

  • Feeling out of touch with their passion, enthusiasm and joy for life

  • Feeling disconnected from their body and lost when it comes to knowing how to truly nourish themselves

  • To regain trust in themself and their body after a history of restrictive eating or controlling tendencies

  • To receive guidence rooted in feminine principles of pleasure, self love, compassion and nourishment

  • To learn how to harness to power of the menstrual cycle

  • To transcend physical symptoms in order to connect to deeper purpose, direction, power and potential

Specializing in Women’s Health

In my 7 years of working with women to heal their bodies + regulate their hormones, these are the most common underlying causes that I see:

  • Poor gut health

  • Liver stagnation

  • Stored emotional pain/trauma

  • Unregulated nervous system

  • Chronic stress

  • Unconscious rejection of the feminine

  • Nutrient deficiencies

And typically, what we discover is that it is a combination of the above.

In my private practice, we dive deep into your story, your experiences, your health history and your goals. You are fully heard and assessed from a holistic perspective and as a bio-individually unique person.

From this place, we combine holistic nutrition, customized supplementation, cycle syncing, removing hormone disrupters, increasing your body's ability to adapt to stress and implementing practices to support mental and spiritual wellbeing, to resolve your symptoms and achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

The Functional Medicine Approach

Think of it like this, if you were experiencing foot pain because you were unknowingly standing on a bed of nails, the western/allopathic treatment would be to prescribe ibuprofen or some sort of pain killer to numb the pain. In functional/holistic care, we work together to remove the nails.