Just a microdose...

Just a microdose...

No, we’re not talking about magic mushrooms. ;) Unless of course you want to.

Microdose sessions are an opportunity to focus on one thing you've been dealing with + receive a customized plan with 3-5 recommendations, a 7 day meal plan and a week of ongoing support to help catalyze a shift in your wellbeing.

Think low risk, high reward.

Examples of why you might book a microdose session:

  • You want direction around supplementation and choosing the best right supplements for you

  • You're experiencing a minor symptom that you want consulting around

  • You feel stuck or in a rut with your wellbeing and want to shift into more energy and vitality, quickly

  • You've taken Nourished or Cycle Wise and you'd like some customized 1:1 support to compliment everything you've learned

  • You want to work together but you're not ready to commit to a 3 or 6 month container

  • You want to give your system a reset/reboot, and want professional guidance in doing so

Do you feel like you could use some support?

Do you feel like something’s off?

Are you in a rut with your health?

Are you experiencing low energy, burnout, digestive issues or hormonal imbalances that are taking away from your quality of life?

Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed out?

Do you feel disconnected from yourself?

Are you called to work together but not ready to jump into a 3 or 6 month package?

Through my microdose sessions I am able to advise you on the most essential changes you can make to experience a noticeable shift, unique to where you’re currently at.

This was created for those who know intuitively they could use some support and want to jumpstart a change in their wellbeing but aren’t ready for to commit to 3 months of support.

Ease into the work and optimize your female health with key recommendations, just for you, that will unlock a healthier, more balanced, energized and embodied version of you.

How it works:

  • Book your session at least 1 week in advance (this is important so that you can have enough time to complete the necessary prep)

  • Receive a Food & Feelings journal to fill out for 4 days prior to your consultation

  • Fill out your intake paper work

  • Submit this paperwork + Food and Feelings Journal no less than 24 hours prior to your 1:1 session

  • We then meet for a 60 minute consultation

  • I put together a customized plan + include a 7 day meal plan

  • You receive 7 additional days of support via voxer to help implement your custom plan + recommendations

The Functional Medicine Approach

Think of it like this, if you were experiencing foot pain because you were unknowingly standing on a bed of nails, the western/allopathic treatment would be to prescribe ibuprofen or some sort of pain killer to numb the pain. In functional/holistic care, we work together to remove the nails.